Table of Contents
Brain Gym and Physical Exercise (PE) Activities
On the scheduled day, Dyslexia Genius Malaysia held brain gym and physical exercise (PE) activities.
Next, we continue with other activities such as passing ball, throwing ball, turtle walk, balancing with bean bag and others.
Purpose of Brain Gym and Physical Exercise (PE)
The purpose of this brain gym and PE is made to hone students’ motor skills, students’ balance, working in groups and also students’ focus.
Fostering Students’ Sense of Self -Confidence
During the throwing ball activity, one of the students cried because the ball he threw did not go into the basket. His friends kept giving applause and enthusiasm even when the ball didn’t go into the basket. Then, he tried again and finally to all the balls he threw right into the basket and he felt very happy and smiled wide.
Here we want to cultivate a sense of self-confidence for children, not to be easily discouraged and keep trying, cultivate self-confidence that they certainly can.
Provide Support For Students
Starting from something small but the meaning is very big .. do not ignore their cries… suport continue and convince that they can…
We here the teachers always help to convince students that they can and continue to train students to work together in a team, because from that team is the growth of students’ social skills.

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