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Dyslexia Introduction Seminar Participants
On 12-13 April 2022, D Genius Malaysia held a Friendship Visit and an Introduction to Dyslexia Seminar for parents of Little Koala Montessori Kindergarten and Karawaci 5 Elementary School. This seminar was attended by the Head of the Tangerang City Education Office, Drs. H. Jamaluddin, M.Pd, District Education Coordinator. Karawaci Mr. Pahing, S.Pd, Superintendent of Kindergarten/SD Cluster 2 Kec. Karawaci Mrs. Hj. Renty Rianty, S.Pd, M.Si, Head of the Principal Working Group (K3S) Kec. Karawaci Mrs. N. Yanti Suryanti, S.Pd, Head of the UPT Education Unit at SDN Karawaci 5 Tangerang City Mrs. Nani Sumarni, S.Pd, M.M and her staff, Inclusion Coordinator of SDN Karawaci 5 Mrs. Sri Palupi Handayani, S.Pd, Mr / Mrs teacher Inclusive Education Organizing Schools (SPPI) throughout Tangerang City, as well as invited guests and other seminar participants.
What is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a learning problem in recognizing letters and letter sounds, failure or difficulty in combining letter sounds and syllables into words (unable to spell and read). As for the difficulties that arise in children with dyslexia are different, some can read but can not understand what is read, feel restless when seeing many letters and words in a paragraph, and there are several other problems.

The existence of learning difficulties in these children does not mean that they are stupid. This actually shows that they are genius children, because they are focused and concentrated only on what they are interested in. However, unfortunately, many parents get it wrong and send their dyslexic child to special school. Whereas children with special needs (ABK) are clearly different from children with dyslexia.
Dyslexia in Indonesia
This happens because there is still little understanding and awareness about dyslexia in Indonesia. Therefore, this seminar was held with the aim of increasing the awareness of the Indonesian people about the existence of learning disorders in children, especially Dyslexia. The speakers for this seminar were Puan Bulan Ayu, Program Director, Dyslexia Genius Malaysia and Mr. Jaldeen Bin Mohd. Ali is the founder of DDaT and the Malaysian SPTBiD Program. This seminar also aims to introduce the SPTBiD Program which has succeeded in helping Dyslexia children in Malaysia in dealing with Dyslexia learning disorders.

For parents who want to know more about dyslexia, visit To see the learning therapy process of the SPTBiD Program which has been successfully carried out for more than 23 years in Malaysia, please visit And please visit if you need a free consultation about dyslexia in Indonesia.